A Double Dip recession is on the way only because of Republican inaction and fear mongering. The economy runs a great deal on public perception. Unfortunately public perception is very down. Down about the economy, down about jobs, down on just about everything, and that’s being driven by the Republican engine. The fear mongering by the likes of Limbaugh and Beck raises the fear of the ignorant. And those ignorant react to the propaganda these individuals play at. The thing that conservative voters miss out is the miss information fed to them to benefit a few. Like the fact there are still numbers of people who have not filled positions in the government because they are held up by the republican counter parts. They have forced a position of inefficiency in the government due to understaffing in the most critical portions of the government. Then republicans block and fight everything to inhibit progress, which causes continual lag in progress of the economy. Yet they point out that it’s Democrats that are creating this. Then all they want to do is give and hold on to tax cuts for the rich. And the ignorant republicans (middle to lower class) that vote for these things thinks it will benefit them. News Flash! It doesn’t! but, go on believing without questioning. That’s what the upper class republicans count on, ignorance. Like the Tea Party who is greatly funded by the likes of Koch Industries, who bused in people to town hall meetings during the healthcare debate, in order to disrupt forward movement of healthcare. Playing the Fear mongering they say that people will lose the option to choose their doctors and care. The fact is that if you can afford better care you can get it despite what healthcare system is in place. And if you can afford a little bit better plan you can get it. This doesn’t change that America may have the best healthcare. You can only get the best healthcare however, IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT! That’s the problem. But the intelligent (rich) Republicans want you to think you are going to lose something you never even had, because you can’t afford it anyways. Companies like Koch slides funds to the tea party to fight for lower taxes and anti-healthcare because it benefits they bottom line, which is money in their pocket. Do you really think that if they save more money, you would get a raise. Hell no, it goes in their pockets and they are laughing their asses off all the way to the bank. They want you to think it’s bad because they want you to vote to give more power and money to the rich, not to the poor, or the middle class. They play all on fear. Fear your going to lose something. Like your right to carry a gun, which you really only need if you FEAR SOMETHING! I commend those that have enough balls to say I don’t need a gun. The Republican Fear machine makes you believe you have to fear everything. That’s why religion goes hand in hand with the Republican party because is a great tool for fear mongering. God will cast you down, type of fear and they play this to their advantage. Isn’t it funny though that they religious people who have God have a need to protect themselves with guns (where is god to protect them?) Isn’t it funny that these same people who are so pro-life also believe in the death penalty and killing abortion doctors. Isn’t it funny that the people who need the help the most are cast aside by the religious types to vote for things that only benefit the rich. Sound like the controlling Church of the middle ages, yet the Church today is only superseded by large industry. These industries now control the church which controls the flock which votes to give more power to the rich. The housing bubble worked to that advantage of the ultra rich by giving a knockout punch to the growing middle class. Ultimately pushing a majority of them back into a staggering losses and fear, a great advantage to the wealthy who do not want people moving up.
Anyway a little off track yet very pertinent to what they are doing. The fear mongering continues to hold back the economy. Everything the Republicans throw out creates fear around the ignorant and they perpetuate the downward economy and they blame the Dems for their inability to get things moving. It’s the fear mongering that keeps things from moving. It’s easier to stop something through fear than to move forward when one is unsure because of all the rhetoric. We would be much further along out of a recession if everyone was working toward the same goal. That goal though is inhibited because a small but ultra wealthy part of the population has enough to sway those who just listen, like in faith without question being led down a path which only benefits a few. This is what he Church used to do 100's of years ago. These people, do not look at who funds their initiatives they just go along for the ride because they are told to do so. They are not free thinkers like the founders of our country. They are like the scared flocks of the medieval churches of Europe. The funny thing they also miss out on, is that they republicans are not concerned about anyone but themselves. Dem are looking at the greater good. Helping everyone, granted at a cost, yet everyone will benefit. Repuplicans however, just want what will benefit themselves. They will take away a right from a woman when they are so constitutionally minded. They will degrade the constitution by changing it because it allows for immigration while this country was founded on it. They would rather not spend money on things like education, because the rich keep their position by keeping the masses as a whole ignorant. They don’t want people in their party who are free thinkers, as it challenges their way of life. And they want you to believe the only way you can reach their success is to keep things running as they see fit. It’s a con to keep you from attaining that level of success. And they keep the hold by playing to your fears. If you were smart enough to think outside the box you would realize it doesn’t work. Unless if your rich, then of course it does work but only for you. Ironic. So everyone who is running in fear are creating the next portion of the double dip recession because they are not looking to the future, but the past which created this whole thing. They want to move back to what was failing because they are told that works, but it only works for the wealthy. You just have to question a few things to get that.
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